
Teen Programming

When: Sunday mornings, 10:15-12:15

Who: ALL teens in 8th - 10th grades with programs. to include our 7th graders, see calendar  

What: The program begins with coffee and doughnuts (Parents will sign up to bring snacks, Thank you!)

Curricular choices include: Mussar, social action, Jewish texts, cooking, trips, guest speakers, and more. 

Students will study Jewish texts and topics through the lens of Reform Judaism. There will be opportunities to engage with teens from other local congregations, speakers and community members and teen trips.  

Life comes at us at a million miles a minute. How can we take some time from this chaos to center ourselves and reflect?

In the teen program, we will establish a sense of sanctuary. Can Judaism and Jewish teachings really be used as a lens that may help us to make clearer choices in life? Judaism has a strong wisdom tradition called Mussar that suggests how each of us can create our own spiritual curriculum. Our discussions will be influenced by Jewish values, but will focus on real life issues. We will get specific about the challenges of dealing with parents who are trying to get you to clean your room, or with issues that arise in academics, sports, or with friends. Come discover how you might use teachings from Judaic wisdom to bring some order and calm to a busy, and sometimes overwhelming time.

  • Rabbi Michelle Pearlman will continue to teach Mussar and be on hand to listen and talk with teens about what is going on in their lives. 

Meet the Teen Team!

Teen Program - We have received a HUGE, wonderful new grant for Chester County Teens! That is in addition to the equally wonderful teen offerings at Beth Chaim