Chapter One: The Fight
Book bans are on the rise across the country. These bans disproportionately target marginalized authors and characters, particularly LGBTQ+ individuals and people of color.
Representation matters. Children deserve to see themselves represented in the media they consume. Moreover, stories allow children to understand the world and their place in it, and even encourage empathy. Most importantly, stories teach children to think for themselves.
This year, Beth Chaim is shining a light on this dangerous trend. On the fifth night of Hanukkah, December 11, we are giving the gifts of free speech, representation, and storytelling by gifting banned books to our children, friends, and neighbors.
Will you shine your light with us?
Chapter Two: The Facts
The ugly truth.
Chapter Four: The Impact
Book banning is already in our community. Books have been challenged in nearby school districts like Oxford, Great Valley, West Chester, Tredyffrin-Easttown, York, and Central Bucks. Last year Pennsylvania was second in the nation only to Texas for states with the highest number of books challenged and/or banned. We urge you to attend your local school board meetings.
We urge you to attend your local school board meetings. Speak out against censorship and in support of elected officials defending free speech. You can also express your support by drafting a letter to the editor of your local newspaper, or to your local school board or state representative.
Here are some talking points and letter templates to help you get started:
How can you create impact?
Just as the Maccabees rededicated the Temple, this Hanukkah we, the people of the book, rededicate ourselves to shining our light on freedom of speech, on representation, and on the beauty of storytelling.
Chapter Three: The Inspiration