Make religious school a
joyous experience.
Turn Oy Vey
〰️ Into OH YAY 〰️
Turn Oy Vey 〰️ Into OH YAY 〰️
The Sababa School is student-centered. Students will reflect on the learning to find personal meaning within the lesson. In our school, modern relevant resources are always used. Jewish values and mitzvot are easily incorporated into the curriculum.
What’s New at Sababa School?
This summer, Beth Chaim’s education team was busy creating, developing, imagining, and dreaming of ways to make our SABABA School as AWESOME as our name! Sababa is Israeli slang for awesome and that’s our goal! Read on for a few innovations we’re bringing to our program!

Who we serve.
We’re moving to a "sound to print" method of teaching Hebrew. One learns a language by hearing the spoken word and gaining meaning of what is heard. Through movement, yoga, and games, the students will understand many Hebrew words. This makes it easier when a student begins learning decoding.
Values/Middot integrated curriculum will have students explore, talk about, and do concepts such as friendship, courage, peace at home, Divine differences, new beginnings, etc.
Hebrew decoding enhanced with selective word meaning begins in 4th grade. The goals are for students to be able to read from the siddur (prayer book) and translate keywords in order to find personal meaning in the prayers. Hebrew decoding skills allow students to read directly from the Torah at their B Mitzvah.
Exploring Jewish holidays through different lenses from Biblical origins to cultural differences. Instead of the same lessons, this moves the discussion from “what and how” to “why” and gives the flavor of different cultures.
Experiential Sundays is a once per month program where students will “do” Jewish! To meet the needs of 7th graders who attend B Mitzvah on Saturday, the program has moved to just one Sunday plus the regular Tuesday evening class. We added some Tuesday evenings and extended the timing to 6:15 to 8:30 PM. Tuesdays will begin with pizza and “gathering” time, followed by “Torah '' time with Rabbi Pearlman, B Mitzvah training with Narda Oz, and course study (the Sunday curriculum) with Sherrie Klein.
An informal approach will bring teens together to build community, have fun, and do - all through a Jewish lens! We want to meet the teens “where they’re at”, listen to them, and create “their” opportunities. From engaging in social justice or social action projects to gathering at a coffee shop or ice cream parlor and “schmoozing”/talking about an issue that is important to them, teens will connect and engage!
Monthly Seminars with Rabbi Pearlman.
Packing for College is designed to prepare 10th through 12th graders for college, especially in this time of high anti-Semitism and protests on college campuses. Students will hear from Hillel professionals about the changes to create safe places and support for Jewish students and from HS “college” counselors about the process of visiting the campus with that Jewish lens!
This is us.
In the Sababa School, we are Joyfully Jewish.
Sherrie Rosenberg Klein
Director of Religious School
What do you do next?
If you have any questions, please get in
touch with Robin Resnick at
Calendars and other details will be sent after registration.
From more information about any of these programs, contact Sherrie Klein, Interim Education Director, at
Register today for our Sababa School and Teen Program!
Registration is through ShulCloud at the button below. You’ll need to be logged in to register and please register all children at one time.